Varicosity is the penalty for verticality against Gravity. 

Dilated tortuous and elongated superficial veins of the Limbs are called as Varicose veins. The blood has to flow from the lower limbs into the heart against gravity because of the up right poster of human beings. In many cases, Varicose veins are asymptomatic. The complications of Varicose veins are responsible for hospitalization of the patient. 

Primary varicosity can be familial or due to congenital weakness in the vessel wall, or also due to congenital absence of valves. Due to this there is hindrance of blood flow occurs, to the heart from the lower Limbs.

 Majority of patient come with dilated veins in the leg. They are minimal to start and sufficiently large at the end of the day. Symptoms include dragging pain as dull ache in the lower Limb, night cramps (due to change in diameter of veins), ulcers, dermatitis, bleeding, Pigmentation or lipodermatosclerosis.

Varicose veins from Wikipedia

Ayurvedic principles consider Varicose veins under the term Sira Granthi.


Depending upon the condition of the patient, treatment is planned. In the case of Varicose ulcers for wound healing leech therapy, washing with kashaya (medicated decoction), regular dressing etc enhances the fast healing of chronic ulcers.


Panchakarma therapeutic procedures provide prevention of worsening conditions of varicosity such as pain, burning sensation, itching, redness, thickening of skin etc in an irreversible manner.


Special treatment in this condition including blood-letting therapy (siraevyadhana) for the complete relief from the disease.